torsdag 2 december 2010

carnival of hair

Beast and the Beauty

Beauty and the Beast av Angela Barrett.

torsdag 18 november 2010

completely drenched

Brosandi                                                         Smiling
Hendumst í hringi                                             Spinning round and round
Höldumst í hendur                                            Holding hands
Allur heimurinn óskýr                                       The whole world a blur
nema þú stendur                                              But you are standing

Rennblautur                                                    Soaked
Allur rennvotur                                                Completely drenched
Engin gúmmístígvél                                          No rubber boots
Hlaupandi inni í okkur                                       Running inside us
Vill springa út úr skel                                        Want to erupt from a shell

Vindurinn                                                        The Wind
og útilykt af hárinu þínu                                    An outdoor smell of your hair
Ég anda eins fast og ég get                               I breathe as hard as I can
með nefinu mínu                                              with my nose

Hoppípolla                                                       Jump into puddles
Í engum stígvélum                                           With no boots on
Allur rennvotur(Rennblautur)                             completely drenched(Soaked)
Í engum stígvélum                                           With no boots on

Og ég fæ blóðnasir                                           And I get a nosebleed
En ég stend alltaf upp                                       but I always stand up

Og ég fæ blóðnasir                                            And I get a nosebleed
En ég stend alltaf upp                                        but I always stand up

Sigur Ros 

Edmund Leighton

"The accolade".

Her arms across her breast she laid;
      She was more fair than words can say:
    Bare-footed came the beggar maid
      Before the king Cophetua.
    In robe and crown the king stept down,
      To meet and greet her on her way;
    'It is no wonder,' said the lords,
      'She is more beautiful than day.'

    As shines the moon in clouded skies,
      She in her poor attire was seen:
    One praised her ancles, one her eyes,
      One her dark hair and lovesome mien.
    So sweet a face, such angel grace,
      In all that land had never been:
    Cophetua sware a royal oath:
      'This beggar maid shall be my queen!'

-Rose Bartlett och Glenn Everett 1833

onsdag 10 november 2010

But what, without the social thought of thee. Whould be the wonders of the sky and sea?

justin novak

Many the wonders I this day have seen:
The sun, when first he kist away the tears
That fill’d the eyes of morn; - the laurel’d peers
Who from the feathery gold of evening lean;-
The ocean with its vastness, its blue green,
Its ships, its rocks, its caves, its hopes, its fears,-
Its voice mysterious, which whoso hears
Must think on what will be, and what has been.
E’en now, dear George, while this for you I write,
Cynthia is from her silken curtains peeping
So scantly, that it seems her bridal night,
And she her half-discover’d revels keeping.
But what, without the social thought of thee,
Would be the wonders of the sky and sea?

Poems (1817) John Keats

tisdag 9 november 2010

after the night

this will never end
cause i want more
more, give me more, give me more

if i had a heart i could love you
if i had a voice i would sing
after the night when i wake up
i'll see what tomorrow brings

if i had a voice i would sing

dangling feet from window frame
will i ever ever reach the floor?
more, give me more, give me more

-Fever ray

torsdag 21 oktober 2010

with a fire in her heart like the one that burns in mine

My dear love, I cannot believe there ever was or ever could be any thing to admire in me especially as far as sight goes - I cannot be admired, I am not a thing to be admired. You are, I love you; all I can bring you is a swooning admiration of your Beauty. I hold that place among Men which snub-nosed brunettes with meeting eyebrows do among women - they are trash to me - unless I should find one among them with a fire in her heart like the one that burns in mine. You absorb me in spite of myself - you alone: for I look not forward with any pleasure to what is called being settled in the world; I tremble at domestic cares - yet for you I would meet them, though if it would leave you the happier I would rather die than do so. I have two luxuries to brood over in my walks, your Loveliness and the hour of my death.

John Keats

hade jag dina vingar, då flög jag min väg och försvann

källa: ?

torsdag 16 september 2010

Doktor Zjivago

Hans Matheson, Keira Knightley och Alexandra Maria Lara i Doktor Zjivago av Giacomo Campiotti. Manus Andrew Davies. Alla mina favoriter minsann, det kan inte bli dåligt. Konstverk det här.

makes life worth living

källa: ?

tisdag 14 september 2010

Monsterklackar i sin rätta bemärkelse

Den bästa sommaren

Av Ulf Malmros, hans bästa film tycker jag! Se den om du inte gjort det.

"Förresten så är det så, att du ska inte vara rädd för döda människor. Det är dom levande du ska akta dig för, dom är oberäkneliga".